It's quickly become tradition to hold the ever popular BMCAA Art Attack. This year, we held it in September to great success! It was wonderful to catch up with old friends and to welcome new alumni and students.

For those who have yet to participate, it's an evening of food, camaraderie, and of course art! The event is open to all alumni, current students, and their friends and family. We break the group up into smaller roundtables before giving each team a blank canvas, a bunch of paints, and a vague BMC related theme. Then we watch the magic unfold!

A big thank you to Bridgeable for hosting the event this year, to all the students and alumni who came out for the event, and everyone else who helped make the event a success! If you'd like to get a chance to see these amazing works of art in person, join us at our Annual Winter Reunion where the pieces will be auctioned. More news on that event in the New Year.