Adam Zunder is an incredibly talented 3D medical animator and motion graphics artist. Beyond his work for Toronto-based medical communication studio INVIVO, Adam constantly expands on these skills by creating mini animations uniquely informed by his fascination with 3D and love for music.
His stunning work can be seen on his website and instagram (linked below):
Where do you currently work? What is your current position?
INVIVO Communications, as a Medical Animator.
What did you study before BMC?
Biology & Psychology.
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Video game designer.
Can you share a nice/funny/weird/wonderful moment you remember from your days as a
student at BMC?
On one of the very first days of BMC, I remember picking up a dry erase marker (in the old Fitz building) and making my way over to a whiteboard at the front of the room to doodle. Within a minute or two, a bunch of other classmates were doing the same. I looked to my left and to my right, and saw that my peers were just like me - I knew that I was in the presence of like-minded people. A lot of us grow up being “the creative one”, but for the first time, I felt like I wasn’t the only one, and knew that I was surrounded by people who would push and inspire me to become a better artist.
What was your MRP about?
To re-educate the public on what cancer is, and why treatment is complex.
What is something you would really love to learn? (Can be a skill/creative thing, technical thing, software-related, research-related, BMC/industry-related or not... anything!)
Oh, what don’t I want to learn?! BMC does an outstanding job of introducing students to so many new tools and techniques for creative expression. One of the more difficult things to decide on post-grad, is what you’re going to specifically focus on. I’ve actually always had a passion for industrial design, so it would be amazing to learn how to draw and render in a more calculated and mathematical way. The list of software and techniques I want to learn seems to be endless.
What has been one of the most exciting projects to work on? Can you tell us a bit about it? What were some of the challenges? And/or can you tell us about your favourite type of project to work on?
My favourite type of projects are patient education animations. Of course, It’s still important to be scientifically accurate in this space, but animating for this type of audience allows for a more flexible and playful approach. Character animations are common for these types of projects, which are always fun and not something we get to do very much of normally.
What are some of your hobbies? And/or something people might not know about you?
Personally, I derive a lot of inspiration from science fiction; many people don’t even recognize that we have a miniature version of science fiction all around us in the form of insects! I always find myself in awe of anything entomological, and the beautiful designs, patterns and behaviours that insects portray. All of the natural world, for that matter, is an endless well of inspiration. From the smallest molecular force to something as grandiose as the Big Bang, I’m inspired by every facet.