The BMCAA hosted a “private screening” of animated shorts that featured stories and styles from around the globe. It was an enjoyable and entertaining evening--with films both heartfelt and whimsical--and a chance to sketch and explore different character styles.
What we watched:
The Coin - Siqi Song (U.S.)
Grab My Hand: A Letter to My Dad - Camrus Johnson, Pedro Piccinini (U.S.)
Kapaemahu - Dean Hamer, Joe Wilson, Hinaleimoana Wong-Kalu (U.S.)
Wild Love - Paul Autric, Quentin Camus, Lea Georges, Maryka Laudet, Zoe Sottiaux, Corentin Yvergniaux (France)
Mime Your Manners - Kate Namowicz, Skyler Porras (U.S.)
Hair Love (on YouTube) - Matthew A. Cherry (U.S.)
Thanks to the Shorts Selection Committee (Nitai, Maurita, Julia, and Alex) for a great set, and if you didn’t have a chance to join us, you can view these films, and more, here.